6 Steps to Success With Facebook Ads

So you’ve found your audience, created an awesome design, and launched your Viralstyle campaign…now what? Keep in mind our Facebook ad tips in this section pertain to selling products through Viralstyle in particular; if you want a more detailed look at Facebook ads in general you can check out this guide by Buffer.

Step 1 – Set Up Facebook Account

You’ll create a Facebook Business Manager, Ad Account, Fan Page, and Facebook pixel. These are essential assets to your success with Facebook and where you’ll manage and run your ads from. You can add your Facebook pixel to your Viralstyle account under your account settings. Once the pixel is activated you’ll be able to track the flow of ad viewers and see how effective your ads are (e.g. how many sales you get from them, how many page visitors, how many checkout page visitors).

Step 2 – Create a quality ad image

Having quality ad images can impact your ad’s performance; for example metrics like relevancy score, CPMs, CTR and conversion rates, etc. Make sure to use eye-catching images and follow Facebook’s ad guidelines to optimize your ads. You’ll also need to create your ad image based on the ad type (PPE, CTW, or WC) as each one uses a different image size.

Step 3 – Create your target audience on Facebook

Researching and creating your target audience is one of the most important steps of the process. Apply the insight you gained from the Who, What, Where, How Method to create your ideal target audience.

Step 4 – Set up your ad campaign

Now that you’ve got your target audience saved and your page set up it’s time to create a Facebook ad. The three most popular ads sellers tend to use to sell Viralstyle products are Page Post Engagement (PPE), Click to Website (CTW) and Website Conversion (WC). Each ad type has specific advantages and disadvantages depending on what you’re trying to get your audience to do.

Step 5 – Launch ads & monitor results

Once you’ve got your ad image and audience set, it’s time to launch the ad campaign. At this stage you should decide on your ad budget and how many days you want the ad campaign to run. Generally, we recommend setting an initial lifetime budget of $5 a day per ad set for the ad and after 24 – 48 hours review the results; pay close attention to metrics such as conversions, costs, reach relevancy score, click-through rate (CTR), etc. We’ll discuss ad analytics in more detail later on.

Step 6 – Scale or stop your ads

Once you’ve reviewed your Facebook ad’s results you can make a decision about the next step. If the ad is generating conversions or high engagement you may want to “scale up” the ad and invest more money to reach a larger audience. If you’ve found a successful niche or design you can “scale out” by launching similar designs for for the same target audience or a related design for a new target audience. If you’re not seeing any sales or conversions you may need to kill the ad and review your target audience, design or ad image.

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